How to apply filters within a budget

You would like to isolate only certain requests of a budget, let's see how

  1. When inside a specific budget, you can find a filter icon () in the top right corner of your screen.

  2. Click on the filter icon and select properties to filter upon from your favorite filters or make a custom filter:

    1. Under the Filters tab, select a property that you would like to filter upon and fill in the necessary information. When you are done, press Add condition to apply your filter. 

  3. When a filter has been applied, a gray box with your filter information will be created in the filtering tab. To remove filters, press on the x above their corresponding gray box.

Keep in mind that you can apply several filters at a time to display exactly the information you're after.

Filtering whilst in the Overview tab or the Power mode might result in a longer loading screen than usual.