Version 4.3 (CS) - January 11th 2022

Below highlights the major improvements and additions in version 4.3:


[Admin] Administrator permission

For the benefit of customers who want to have a designated person for configuring environment for Weissr users but without access to any of the data, a new permission Administrator is introduced. Users with this permission:

  • can access all sections in Administration module except Capex Strategy (Alternatives, Export)

  • can assign any permission (including node and approval permissions except Superuser permission) to any user, except themselves

  • cannot access CS module

  • cannot access CM module unless they have permissions for at least one node

  • needs additional permissions assigned to them in order to access/edit FX rates, Currencies (Administration > Common) and Report definitions (Administration > Capex Strategy > Project > Reports)


Microsoft Graph integration

In order to make Weissr more desirable for customers who use Microsoft products, usage of Microsoft Graph API for SSO is introduced. New changes allow us to inherit customer data, like organization tree structure, permissions, user roles etc. and use it in Weissr.


Improved navigation to selected node in External data

Selection of machine in tree navigates user to machine's row in External Data.