Calculating Property Values

In certain scenarios, calculating a property value requires advanced logic. For instance, generating a request ID that must be passed to an external ERP system may involve combining elements like the site name, year, and a unique sequence number.

Weissr offers powerful and flexible calculation options to handle these situations, allowing you to create custom calculations tailored to your specific workflow needs.

Whenever a property value in a form or a cell value in the investment model is changed, related values across the form or model are automatically updated. This ensures that your investment data remains accurate and current.

Calculating Property Values Based on Other Properties

You can calculate property values using property expressions that draw on data from one or more other properties. These expressions can range from simple arithmetic to complex logic, including conditional statements like IF statements. This flexibility allows you to tailor calculations to meet your specific needs.

For a detailed guide on creating these expressions, please refer to the Property Expressions Guide.

Calculating Property Values Based on Investment Model Data

In Weissr, properties can retrieve numerical values directly from a cell in the investment model's first (year) column. When the value in the investment model is updated, the linked property is automatically refreshed with the new data, ensuring real-time accuracy.

Using Property Values in the Investment Model

Numerical property values can also be utilized within the investment model itself. Special commands allow these values to be integrated into the model, where they can be used in calculations or conditional logic.

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