Sent Notifications and Sent Mail
The Sent Notifications and Sent Mail tabs provide a comprehensive overview of all system-generated notifications, whether delivered in-app or via email. These logs help you track communication across the system, ensuring that all stakeholders remain informed.
Sent Notifications
This section displays a list of all in-app notifications, along with timestamps, notifiers, and recipients. Clicking on a notification allows you to view it as it was sent in-app.
You can see which user triggered the notification and the recipient(s).
The bell icon will turn green if the recipient has opened the notification.
Detailed information includes the date and time the notification was sent and its delivery status: successfully sent, in queue, or failed.
You can also delete sent in-app notifications from this section.
This section ensures you can monitor all in-app notifications' status and delivery progress.
Sent Mail
This section lists all email notifications and their timestamps, notifiers, and recipients. Clicking on a notification allows you to view it as it was sent in the mail. If you suspect an email failed to reach its recipient, this section can help you investigate potential delivery issues.