How to paste data into the Investment model

You would like to paste data from Excel or elsewhere in Weissr into the Investment model, let's see how

  1. In the requests list, find the request in question, double-click on it to open it, and enter the Investment model tab.

  2. Once you copied the data via Ctrl+C, switch to Weissr, click on the cell you want to paste the data to (or the top-left cell of the zone you want to paste in), right-click and use the quick command Ctrl+V.

If you want to paste several values at once, make sure that the size of the zone (∞ rows x ∞ columns) you copy in Excel corresponds to the size of the zone you wish to paste the data to in Weissr.

As the comma (,) is the default separator between units and decimals in Weissr, make sure that the data you copy from Excel also uses a comma as a separator between units and decimals.

When copy-pasting data from Excel, make sure to increase the number of decimals in Excel (≈4-5) before copying to get the more accurate data.

The Cut option (Ctrl+X) is not available in Weissr.

Entering data in the model updates it and saves it as it is, which often requires about 3 seconds to validate each entry and be ready for another.

When a request has entered the Project execution phase, the original Investment model become un-editable. Instead, a Post-Decision model will appear which is a duplicate of the original model. This is where you now add/remove/edit cash flow data for a request.

When a request has entered the Post-completion review phase, both Investment models become un-editable.