Personal User Settings
As a user of Weissr, you have the ability to personalize several key settings to tailor the application to your preferences. These settings control how financial data, language, and currency are displayed, ensuring that the interface aligns with your local conventions and organizational requirements.
Key customization options include:
How decimals and thousands separators are formatted
Your preferred language for the application
The default currency for viewing financial data
By adjusting these settings, you can enhance your experience and make the data easier to understand and manage. Below is a detailed guide to configuring your personal user settings.
Display Settings
In Display Settings, you can customize how numbers are formatted across the platform:
Decimal Delimiter: You can select either a dot (.) or comma (,) as the delimiter.
Thousand Separator: You can choose from a dot (.), comma (,), whitespace, or select none to omit the separator.
Language Settings
Weissr supports multiple languages. Currently, the available languages are:
English (US)
English (GB)
Portuguese (BR)
Currency Settings
Currency settings determine the default currency in which all totals are displayed. The currency options available to you depend on your organization's configuration within the application.
Use Local Currency if Possible (Checkbox):
If checked, all Request Lists (including the Capex Management Investment Plan) will display amounts in local currency.
If unchecked, all Request Lists (including the Capex Management Investment Plan) will display amounts in your user-defined currency.
The local currency is always used in:
Requests (all tabs, grids, charts, and history of requests)
The Budget Investment Plan for non-aggregated, editable data
Regardless of the "Use Local Currency if Possible" setting, the user currency is used in:
All summaries
Totals (aggregated data)
Dashboards, including budget and request charts