Listed in this section are some of the most commonly asked questions from users.

“Why can’t I approve or change status for an investment proposal?”

The reason for not being able to approve an investment proposal is usually one of the below (or combination)

  • Capex amount is higher than the approval route/authorization limit allows
    The requested amount is higher than allowed in the selected approval route/authorization limit. If this is the case, it will not be possible to change status and the usually available status options are disabled.

    Example: An investment proposal has a total capex of 12MSEK but the approval route/authorization limit can only accept 10MSEK. Weissr has inbuilt security measures to make sure investment processes are followed and that corresponding decision makers are involved.

    Solution: Hoover on the info-icon on the current decision-step, which will tell you what the reason is. In order to approve or move the investment proposal you need to either:

    • Decrease the requested amount (might not be that feasible)

    • Select another approval route/authorization limit.

      • The easiest way to do this is to make an duplicate of the investment proposal (all data except approval route/authorization limit will be copied) and then delete the first one.

  • Lack of permission
    The user is missing the permission to approve a request for the current step in the approval route/authorization limit. Weissr has inbuilt security measures to make sure investment processes are followed and that corresponding decision makers are involved. You might accidentally miss the corresponding permission or you might recently have changed position and changes in permission might not have been updated yet.
    Suggestion: Hoover on the “Possible decision makers” to see who are allowed to make a decision. If you should be in that list but by some reason lack the permission - contact your system administrator for assistance.

  • Blocked by another user
    Another user has already opened the same investment proposal & form. If this is true, you will be blocked from editing data.
    Suggestion. Look to the left while inside the investment proposal to see if it’s “Locked by” someone.

“Why can’t I find this specific request, but my colleague can?”

There can be mainly two possible reasons for this:

  • Lack of permission
    It can be so that the creator of the requests is working a production unit Abc or within Division Abc while the other user is working somewhere else. Depending on the configuration, it’s often so that users are only allowed to work with requests related to “their” production unit or similar. The user lacks permission to view requests for that specific.

  • Status change needed in decisions
    Even if both users have the same permissions, it sometimes happens that user A cannot see investment proposals created by user B. The reason for this is most probably because user B has not changed status (in the Decisions/Approvals menu) for the first decision-step. A request is always visible for the creator only until the first status change has been made.

“Why can’t I edit any data in an investment proposal?”

Users sometimes say that it’s not possible to change any data for an investment proposal. There are usually two possible explanations to this:

  • Lack of permission
    The user is missing the permission to edit the data for the investment proposal. Weissr has inbuilt security measures to make sure investment proposals are only edited by the users possessing corresponding permissions. You might accidentally lack the edit permission or you might recently have changed position and changes in permission might not have been updated yet.

    If you think that you should have permission to edit data for a specific - contact your system administrator for assistance.

  • Blocked by another user
    Another user has already opened the same investment proposal. If this is true, you’ll be blocked from editing data.
    Suggestion. Look to the left while inside the investment proposal to see if it’s “Locked by” someone.

“How do I save my work?”

You don’t need to worry - there are no save buttons. Your work is saved when leaving a property-field in the form or when leaving a cell in either the Capex/Opex grid or Investment model.

“Why can’t I find the Investment model- or Approval tabs”

You need to select which model and decision route to be used for the investment proposal. There are plenty of configuration possibilities in Weissr when it comes to forms, routes and Investment models. One of the main reasons for this is to have different Investment models depending on project characteristics or different decision route/authorization limit depending on the requested capex/opex amount (in most cases).

Due to this, you need to select which model and route to be used depending on the characteristics of the investment proposal.

In the investment form, select a model and/or route in their corresponding properties (datafields) for the tabs to appear on your left side in the navigation menu.