How to display the local currency for Money-properties in Power mode

You would like to display the local currency for Money-properties in Power mode, let’s see how

  1. Select Power mode instead of Default mode

  2. Find the Money-property you want to display the currency of (per request)

  3. Click on the Money-property to see the value in the local currency (Not needed in case “Use local currency if possible” is checked in the settings)

If there is no Money-property available when you select Power mode, you might have to apply a layout that includes one such property.
See how to do that here

When in Power mode, the value displayed in Money-properties are based on your personal settings. If “Use local currency” is checked in the settings, the value will always be local for the property. However, if that box is not checked, the value will be displayed in the currency you have selected in the Currency-field in the settings.
For Power mode exports, the currency displayed for Money-properties depend on the user’s private settings. To avoid confusion and mistakes, check “Use local currency if possible” before exporting.