Managing Overspend and Additional Funding

When a project exceeds its original budget, it may be necessary to request additional funding through a formal approval process. In Weissr, this can be done for projects that are in the Execution stage. In Weissr, you can request more funds or reallocate existing funds from other projects through a formal approval process. This functionality ensures that the total approved funds for the fiscal year remain within budget.

Additional requests overview

Key Features

  • Automatic naming on creation: The naming convention follows the formula: parent project name + '-a1' where the number indicates the creation sequence of all additional requests associated with the parent project. The name can be edited after creation if needed.

  • Visibility in Request Lists: Additional requests are visible in the list of requests based on approval state like any other.

  • Navigation inside Additional request: A summary ribbon inside each additional request provides links to the source and beneficiary projects for easy navigation.

  • Additional Requests Tab: Inside any project after entering Execution stage and onwards, a dedicated Additional Requests tab allows users to view or create additional requests.

    • All additional funding requests are listed in the Additional Requests tab, sorted by creation date.

    • All users with access into project can see the page and its contents.

    • If certain additional projects are not accessible to a user, they are displayed as text (not links), but all necessary information is still available.

      • Except requests set to Private.

    • Counter is present counting all available Additional requests visible in the tab.

    • For Reallocation Requests, arrows represent the direction of fund movement, with colored amounts (red for outflows, green for inflows).

      • Total sum of all outflows and inflows is present (note: all created additional requests are present and counted no matter the approval state)

    • Action buttons

      • Request More Funds: Available without limitation for current requests with required permissions met.

      • Transfer Funds Out: Funds can be transferred to any visible to current user request in required approval state with the same currency as the current project.

      • Reallocate Funds In: Funds can be reallocated from projects in required approval state where the user has Create or Edit permissions and the currency matches the current project.

  • Permission levels:

  1. Users with Node Read, Node Edit or Invitation Read permissions:

    1. can view the additional request tab with all information in it.

    2. in the list of requests they see only what they are permitted to see.

  2. Users with either Node Edit + Global Additional Request, Node Create, Invitation Edit + Global Additional Request or Invitation Create permissions can create new additional requests using Request More Funds button.

  3. To be able to Reallocate Funds In / Transfer Funds Out in addition to Request more funds conditions user is required to have global Funds reallocation permission.

Request More Funds

This option allows you to create a request for additional funding when a project exceeds its allocated budget. This request is treated as a new project specifically for obtaining formal approval for extra funds.

Key Features

  • Property Data and Form Structure: The new request uses the same property data and form structure as the original project, except for the Capex/Opex amounts, which must be entered in the new request’s Expenditure tab.

  • Expenditures as Additional Funding: The amount entered represents the additional funding to be approved and allocated to the original project.

  • No Conflicting Requests: Your project cannot transfer funds if there is a pending request for additional funds in the Preparation stage.

Approval Process

  • The new request follows a similar approval workflow as the original project, or it can follow a different logic based on your organization’s approval process.

  • Once approved, the additional funds are tracked under the Additional Capex Amount property in the original project. The Total Approved Capex Amount is also updated to include the original and additional funding.

After Approval

  • Once the additional request is approved, it becomes read-only, as its purpose is solely to secure the formal approval of the extra funds.

  • Execution and progress updates continue within the original project.

  • When the original project is marked as Completed, all related approved additional funding requests will also automatically transition to a Completed state.

The original project remains active for all execution activities, while additional requests are used strictly for financial approvals. All related data for the project’s execution should be consolidated into the original project.

Reallocate Funds In

This option enables you to move funds from another project to your project when it requires additional resources. This process ensures efficient use of funds across projects, especially if one project is underspending and another is overspending.

Key Features

  • Features in Request More Funds: The same conditions and features apply to the reallocation process as they do for requesting additional funds.

  • Source Project Requirements: You can reallocate funds only from projects that are in the Execution, Follow-up, or Completed stage.

Steps to Reallocate Funds In

  1. Ensure your project is in the Execution stage.

  2. Navigate to the Additional Requests tab in your project.

  3. Choose the option to Reallocate Funds In.

  4. Select a parent project (the source project) to move funds from. The parent project must meet the eligibility requirements.

    1. When searching for projects to reallocate funds, the system performs the search across all property values within projects, not just the visible project name.

  5. Once you confirm selection of parent project, a request is created to move funds from that project into yours.

  6. Submit the reallocation request for approval.

  7. If approved, the funds are added to your project’s budget and deducted from the parent project’s budget.

Transfer Funds Out

This option allows you to move excess funds from your project to another project in need. This process ensures that projects nearing completion or with surplus funds can assist projects that require additional resources, maintaining the overall fiscal balance.

Key Features

  • Features in Request More Funds: The same conditions and features apply to the transfer process as they do for requesting additional funds.

  • Beneficiary Project Requirements: The recipient project must be in the Execution stage to receive transferred funds.

Steps to Transfer Funds Out

  1. Ensure your project is in the Monitoring, Follow-up, or Completed stage.

  2. Navigate to the Additional Requests tab in your project.

  3. Choose the option to Transfer Funds Out.

  4. Select a beneficiary project (the receiving project) to transfer the funds to. The beneficiary project must meet the eligibility requirements.

    1. When searching for beneficiary projects to transfer funds, the search includes all project property values, not only the project name visible in the interface.

  5. Once you confirm selection of a beneficiary, a request is created to transfer the funds.

  6. Submit the transfer request for approval.

  7. If approved, the funds are taken from your project’s budget and added to the beneficiary project’s budget.

When Can You Reallocate or Transfer Funds?

  • Reallocate Funds In and Request More Funds: These options are available when your project is in the Execution stage.

  • Transfer Funds Out: This option is available when your project is in the Execution, Follow-up, or Completed stages.

System Properties

Properties Applicable to All Request Types

Project Serial Number (ID 15): The serial number for additional requests follows the same structure as the base request but replaces the standard "b" with "a1."

Is Additional Request (ID 92): Boolean identifier indicating whether a request is an additional request.

Money Properties Calculated in the Original Project

  • Additional Capex Amount (ID 33): Tracks all approved additional funds for the original project.

    • Calculation: Sum of all approved Request More Funds requests and approved Reallocate Funds In requests' Requested Amount (ID 22) when acting as a beneficiary request.

  • Total Approved Capex Amount (ID 34): The combined total of the original project’s approved amount and all additional requests.

    • Calculation: Source request's Requested Amount (ID 22) + Additional Capex Amount (ID 33) - sum of approved Reallocate Funds Out requests' Requested Amount (ID 22) when acting as a source request.

Properties Not Calculated for Additional, Transfer, or Reallocation Requests

Certain properties in Weissr Capex are specifically excluded from calculation in additional funding, transfer, and reallocation requests. These properties are only calculated for standard (original) requests to maintain the accuracy of financial data. Here is a list of such properties, including where and how they are calculated:

  1. Total Outcome (ID 36): Not calculated for additional funding, transfer, or reallocation requests. This property reflects expenditures only in original requests post-final approval.

  2. Total Spent Amount (ID 42): Calculated only after the final approval of the original request. It does not apply to any additional, transfer, or reallocation requests.

  3. Previous Allocated Amount (ID 79): Not updated or recalculated within reallocation or transfer requests. Calculated only for Request More Funds projects.

  4. Total Allocated Amount (ID 80): Excluded from calculation in transfer and reallocation requests. Calculated only for Request More Funds projects.

  5. Total Allocated Capex Amount (ID 84): Not calculated in transfer or reallocation requests. Calculated only for Request More Funds projects.

  6. Total Allocated Opex Amount (ID 85): Excluded from transfer and reallocation requests. Calculated only for Request More Funds projects.

Summary of Features


Request More Funds

Reallocate Funds In

Transfer Funds Out


Request extra funding

Move funds from another project

Transfer excess funds to another project

Parent project for the additional funding request

Current project

Selected project

Current project

Source Project

Funds will be deducted


Selected project

Current project

Source Project Stage


Monitoring, Follow-up, Completed

Monitoring, Follow-up, Completed

Beneficiary Project

Funds will be added

Current project

Current project

Selected project

Beneficiary Project Stage




Approval Required





No pending additional requests in prep

No pending additional requests in prep

No pending additional requests in prep

Each method follows a formal approval process to ensure proper budget management across all projects while maintaining fiscal discipline within the allocated yearly budget.