Routing & Approvals

Weissr Capex Management provides powerful and flexible routing functionality, allowing organizations to create workflows that define the steps and individuals involved in the approval process. These workflows ensure that capex requests are handled efficiently and are in alignment with business needs and regulatory requirements.

This page serves as a guide for end users to navigate routing and approvals in Weissr Capex Management. Learn how to interact with approval routes, manage requests through different steps, and stay informed about decisions and notifications.

What Are Routing and Approvals?

Routing and approvals define a capex request's path as it moves through the approval process. Each step involves decision-makers, notifications, and changes to the request’s status, ensuring an efficient and transparent workflow.

As an end user, you will primarily:

  • View and track requests as they progress through their approval routes.

  • Respond to decisions assigned to you as a decision-maker.

  • Review historical decisions and supporting information.

  • Stay informed through notifications about changes in the request status or your assigned responsibilities.

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What Can You Do?

  • Monitor Requests
    Track where your requests are in the approval process by reviewing the route steps and their current status.

  • Make Decisions
    If you’re assigned as a decision-maker, review the request details, supporting documents, and strategic information to approve or reject the request.

  • View Request History
    Access past decisions and associated documentation to understand the context and ensure transparency.

  • Receive Notifications
    Stay updated on important changes, such as being assigned as a decision-maker or when a request’s status changes.

Explore the Following Topics

  • How Approval Routes Work
    Understand how requests move through routes and how each step impacts the approval process.

  • Making a Decision
    Learn how to approve, reject, or escalate a request assigned to you.

  • Viewing Request History
    See how to access past decisions, supporting documents, and other important historical data.

  • Staying Informed with Notifications
    Discover what notifications you will receive and how they help you stay aligned with the approval process.

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