How to show more/less decimals in the Investment model

You would like to increase or decrease the number of decimals in the Investment model, let's see how

  1. In the requests list, find the request in question and open it.

  2. While inside the request, enter the Investment model tab.

  3. Right-click on a cell if you want to increase/decrease on a single cell. Highlight multiple cells and then right-click on the highlighted area if you want to increase/decrease the decimals for multiple cells. 

  4. Select Number of decimals in the top-right corner of the model and select if you want to increase or decrease the amount of decimals.

When a request has entered the Project execution phase, the original Investment model becomes un-editable. Instead, a Post-Decision model will appear which is a duplicate of the original model. This is where you now add/remove/edit cash flow data for a request.

When a request has entered the Post-completion review phase, both models becomes un-editable.