How is time divided in Weissr models

To facilitate data entry, Weissr models in the Capex Strategy module are divided in 4 time periods. Here's how they work

Taking the example of a project done at the time of writing this article (2018), a model would be divided as shown below:

To summarize, in relation to the current ongoing year (CY):

  • Period 1 only contains CY-7.

  • Period 2, the historical one, contains the inclusive interval between CY-6 and CY.

  • Period 3, the near future one, contains the inclusive interval between CY+1 and CY+5.

  • Period 4, the trend one, contains the inclusive interval between CY+6 and the end of the scope of the model.

It is obviously possible to customize these intervals to make them longer or shorter at will. However, All users are not granted the permission to do it, so contact either the "administrator" in your team or your contact person at Weissenrieder & Co. to help you with that.